Seattle Street Photography

Seattle has become one of my favorite cities in the US to photograph. I spent the whole of June 2023 in the city and fell a little in love. I had just driven all the way from LA over many days via the coastal highways, and I was ready for what I planned to be more of a break in the northwest. I knew I would be exploring British Columbia shortly and I was headed back to the crush of the east coast in just a couple of months, so some time relaxing in the pines sounded perfect.

Things did not play out that way, however. Instead, Seattle captured my attention and refused to let go.

Though it takes a little more patience to photograph outside of the hot spots like Pike Place Market, it’s a really captivating city. The waterfronts I’ve experienced in the Pacific Northwest are rockier and a bit more industrialized than that of Southern or Central California, so the vibe of the Puget Sound region is markedly different. More practical, and bustling- not as laidback.

That said, I really loved the energy. Plus, the summer months are a perfect time to wander the streets of downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods like Fremont, Chinatown, U-District, and the Seattle Center. I’d come back and hit my favorite spots all over again in a heartbeat.


