México | CDMX & La Paz, B.C.S.

I kicked off 2024 in México. Often my travel plans are a bit spur-of-the-moment, but this was definitely a calculated choice.

Winter isn’t my favorite thing (unless I’m on a snowboard) and much of México enjoys a perfect spring/early summer in January and February.

This is my work from five weeks in Mexico City, and B.C.S.

México City Photography

Ciudad de México is one of my favorite places I’ve ever traveled to. Having the opportunity to explore for a little over a week gave me just enough time to see the highlights, but has left me craving more ever since. For me, CDMX is an endlessly surprising city. Every part of the city is unique. Each district feels like a different world, and there are limitless tree-lined avenues to explore.

Street photography is always a little tough at first in new places if you are not fluent in the language or have a limited understanding of the culture. That’s to say it’s always a bit nerve-wracking to start pointing a camera around when you feel very much like a visitor or a guest. That said, the attitude toward me and photography in general seemed very relaxed across the board.

From México City to smaller towns in Baja California Sur, I never felt like I was intruding and even felt more welcome at times than I do in U.S. cities.


As much as I’ve always been a city person, La Paz was like a breath of fresh air.

I had spent the months prior in New York, so slowing things down in late January after the holidays and a busy year of traveling was perfect.

La Paz has its rowdier moments on Friday nights and weekends, especially around the Malecón, where couples, friends, families, and tourists gather for food and sunset views of the harbor, but I was more interested in the beaches on this leg of the trip.

Plus I vividly remember being about 3 months behind on editing NYC photos…

La Paz & The Malecón

Snapshots from lazy afternoon photo walks, and Friday ventures down to the Malecón.

Beaches & Viewpoints

Definitely the best part of any visit to La Paz.


Todos Santos is almost perfectly equidistant from Los Cabos and La Paz, so this is a must-have stop if you’re visiting either of those towns. It’s something like 2 hours by bus, which runs hourly every day (I think). Tickets are cheap, and the town is small enough to cover in a day if you leave early-ish. Bring your camera and a good book for the bus ride, and you’re all set for the perfect day trip.

And don’t worry about the Hotel California- you’ll walk past it at some point, I promise, and it’s probably the least charming thing to see in Todos Santos.

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