Looking Back on 2022

As I sit down to write this post, my second yearly recap since I began Gunairy, I’m realizing how quickly the year has flown by. It’s a cliche of course, but that makes it no less dumbfounding to think 365 days have passed between now and then already.

I suppose given everything that happened this year, I shouldn't be surprised, but the new year always seems to spark additional reflection of this kind.


The decline of Instagram this year was just the motivation I needed to get my feet wet in the video world, and I’m so glad I did.

Starting the channel has easily been the most rewarding part of my year. Although it’s significantly more work, I feel so far that YouTube does a much better job of promoting creators and helping our work reach an audience than other social platforms like Twitter or Instagram.

In all honesty, it’s the lack of ‘social’ elements that other platforms feature which has made it so refreshing for me. Not only am I able to have more meaningful interactions with fellow photographers, but there’s also no urge to be ‘engaging’ or updating or trying to keep up with whatever the algorithm wants this week. It’s been an incredibly welcome change of pace.


odds cafe front counter

Although I’m writing from a coffee shop once again, this coffee shop happens to be 1,432 miles from home. The coffee shop in question? Odd’s Cafe

Odd’s has fueled many a night of editing, writing, and other projects since we landed here in NC. Of course, they’re also one of the only coffee shops (the only coffee shop?) in the city open past 6 PM.

Asheville has been an adjustment. It’s the south, which is different. It’s slower, which is different. It’s 2 hours from the nearest major city or int’l airport. Which is different.

That said, I’ve learned a lot about myself from this transition- namely what I need, and what I can or cannot compromise on in my surroundings. But most importantly, I’ve learned how to appreciate what I have, and take less for granted.

A Little Honesty

I have not been a beacon of positivity during this transition, and I don’t mean to paint this part of my life as one that I always handled with nothing but grace. Despite my best efforts, my attitude faltered regularly. 

On the reverse? Perhaps more than at any other time in my life, I prioritized making the best of where I am. 

I’ve spent a staggering amount of time photographing downtown Asheville, exploring the city inside and out, and going out of my way to visit the surrounding areas and nearby cities. 

5:00 AM was a time I set my alarm to with regularity in the name of getting started while the light was good. Charlotte is 2 hours away. Hell, everything is 2 hours away. But that didn’t stop me from seeing so many incredible things within city limits and well beyond. 

It has not been a bad experience by any means. Just one that was different than expected. Certainly, one that taught a lot of lessons. I have very little bad to say about Asheville itself, it just isn’t right for me long term. That said- I had a lot of great days figuring that out.  


I had the opportunity to travel almost as much this year as last, and experience some places that have been on my list for a while. Last year was more about where we might move to, and this year was more about seeing new places.

As I did at the end of 2021, I’ll jot down the full list just for fun, but have no fear- I won’t dwell on any of these trips at length with the exception of one. 

  • Denver > Asheville (of course)

  • Minneapolis (x2 or 3 for the day job)

  • Denver/Grand Junction, CO (home to see my sister graduate college)

  • Charleston, SC

  • Wilmington, NC

  • Charlotte, NC (several times)

  • Boston, MA

  • Washington, D.C.

I mentioned I would go into a little more detail on just one spot. That’d be Boston. Probably pretty obvious if you follow me elsewhere. My favorite photo of all time was taken during this trip. Several of my favorite photos of the year were taken here.

Boston also singlehandedly sparked my newfound love of public transportation. My understanding is that if I dealt with it every day I might be a little less enthused, but the novelty was an unexpected joy during my trip.

The ability to quickly and easily traverse the entire city via subway or bus is something I’ve never been able to enjoy. The pure elation of arriving at whatever destination, and not having to find a place to park the damn car is enough to make me misty-eyed even now.

Oh yeah, and the clam chowder. 

Photos of the Year

Well, folks, it’s about that time already. Without any further adieux, let’s take a look at my all-time favorite shots of 2022.

In addition to this gallery, I’ve once again thrown a post together with my top 9 favorite photos of the year. I’d have done an even 10, but one of my 10 allotted Instagram slides has to be a cover for the collection 😒.

Click on any photo to enlarge!

This blog was particularly enjoyable to put together this year. So many magical things happened in 2022, and I have an incredible feeling about the coming year. I can’t wait to see what my best of 2023 will look like.

You can get in touch with me via Instagram, or email me at nick@gunairy.com.

Thanks as always for reading. Start saving for that trip you want to take.

- Nick

Nick Gunn

Professional street photographer, filmmaker, and full-time traveler. Originally from Denver, Colorado.


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